Our History
Journey Christian Church (originally First Church of Christ) began out of a revival meeting in March, 1926 that was held at the Wayne City Hall under the direction of the Christian Restoration Association. The purpose of starting the church was to establish a congregation that held to the twin ideals of the Restoration Movement, namely Biblical Authority and Christian Unity.
The summer of 1926 found the small group of believers calling their first preacher, Gustan Winter, and purchasing a house on 4th and Logan in which to hold their meetings.
In 1935 the church tore down the house and constructed a church building next door. The church continued to meet at that location until, under the leadership of Mark Weber, they purchased property on the east edge of Wayne on Highway 35. Construction on a building began in 1978 and the congregation moved into the facility in 1979.
During the last several years the church has continued to grow and reach out to the community with the good news of Jesus Christ. As a result of the growth the church broke ground in September 2005 on a new worship center addition and moved in during the summer of 2006.
Also during 2006 the church changed its name to Journey Christian Church. The name change reinforces our dedication to our purpose. Each of us is on our own spiritual journey. We are all at different points in that journey. That journey leads to two possible destinations. Journey Christian Church is not a destination. It exists to get people going and help to keep us going in the right direction toward the better of those two destinations. In any journey there can be problems and setbacks and it helps to have people traveling with you for support along the way. And that is what you will find at Journey Christian.
Missions We Support
The Missions Program of Journey supports ten mission groups:
These groups are:
Colombia For Christ Mission
Good News Productions International (GNPI)
Pioneer Bible Translators
Deaf Missions
Christian Student Fellowship
Rapha House
For God’s Children International
Christian Evangelistic Mission (CEM)
Forge Christian Church (Hasting, NE)
These ten mission groups are funded as follows:
Fifteen percent of general fund income is set aside for our missions to receive monthly support.
As additional funds accumulate, Journey will send one-time support to worthy Mission Groups.